Sunday, April 1, 2012


Pictures(Present - Previous) Members

As the great loda once said, "Do not attemp to revive a dying tree, cut it and plant a new one." because the only thing that is constant in this world is change and everything will soon end.

Walkout, the team where i plunge every bits and pieces of knowledge i know about the game
memories of this will always be remembered. I was here thru our ups and downs. Some had left, others remain. but despite everything i still ultimately believed that one day, that day X. we will
rise up above(butuan at the moment! haha) and prove to everyone that this team wasnt just a fluke.

The past will teach us a lot, it will cultivate ourselves and let us realize that yesterday was just a day that we will laugh about.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


it was a hell of a week for me as a student
for it was the time where everybody must took the NURSING APTITUDE TEST

at 8pm in the evening i decided to go to a near cafe to meet my team-mates
before they depart. Unfortunately, things didn't happen the way it supposed
to be, some are restricted to go out of town and some didn't just have the
interest to join.

by 2am late morning i finally made up my mind to join them @ cagayan de oro
regardless of what will be the outcome.

there was insufficient fund for the team, but yet our clanlord
manage to get through it. and we wanderlust to CDO
with an IMPROMPTU line-up <-- u know what to expect =P

This is for now, ill finish this later ;)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Haven't made any updates for a while

its been a good year today even when losing online and lan tournaments, but despite that
the team had able to develop in a brisk manner compared to the performance of the previous years.

so start off here's the whole replay of the Walkout 1-1 tournament.

the tournament kicked off last march 26, the team had a very good start with the games
until the glass broke to shards and became a bad sitch for us.

well this is for now, keep in track.